Somebody was asking recently how we promote our shows. The answer is that we do a lot of promotion, much of it online. Taking this week as an example, we've got 4 shows, plus two events we're attending and/or promoting on Sunday, for a grand total of 6 events this week:
Wednesday - Drop Duo @ Dean's Credit Clothing
Thursday - Drop Trio @ The Twelve Spot
Friday - Drop Trio @ Rhythm Room (Opening for Olospo)
Saturday - Drop Trio @ Brasil
Sunday - Ian performs in 60 Musicians in 60 Minutes, a Pauline Oliveros Foundation benefit.
Sunday - Houston Music Foundation's first benefit concert @ the Engine Room.
So here's what we've done so far to promote some or all of these shows:
1. Posted on online calendars:,, JazzHouston,,, Houston Press, and MusicTX.
2. Wrote and sent an email to our mailing list, which is over 300 strong.
3. Posted individualized messages on several online groups: Houston Jam Scene, Houston-Jams, Houston Bands Forum, HoustonEvents, HoustonMusicians, Action!Houston, Houston.Music newsgroup, Craigslist, Hands Up Houston, TeamHouston, Texas-Tribe.
4. Sent notices via to several online & print music calendars: Houston Chronicle, KPFT Blueshound Calendar,, Space City Rock,, and the CityCafe web site.
4. Printed flyers & schedules (we usually print them ourselves, at Kinkos, cuz we can't afford glossy flyers!)
5. Went to networking meetings, handed out flyers.
6. Put up posters at various locations around town.
Whew. Did I miss anything?
Now, if we could just find somebody we could pay to do this all stuff ...