Drop Trio shows are now available on
FurthurNet. For those of you not familiar with FurthurNet, it's a software application (similar to Napster in functionality) that lets live music fans download freely available concerts that have been taped all over the world, by hundreds of bands. For now, the only Drop Trio (abbreviation "dt") show available is our 5-10-03 concert at the
Last Concert Cafe, but more shows will become available as they are converted. The show has already been downloaded a few times, in the 1 day its been available; it's in SHN (shorten) format, which is a lossless audio compression format.
By the way, our
taping policy is very open - we love having people tape our shows, so long as the tapes are never sold commercially by anyone but us. So tapers, come one, come all!