Big news in Drop Trio land. After lots of heartfelt discussion, we have come to a mutual decision: Marc has decided to pursue his role as lead guitarist in Little Brother Project full time and leave off playing bass with Drop Trio. We've loved playing with Marc, and we know he will continue to kick just as much ass with
LBP as he has been with us. There are only so many hours in the day, and Marc is just one guy, so we decided both bands would be happier without trying to split him in half. We've all got to follow our dreams, and we support Marc's decision 100%. He will always be a part of Drop Trio, and we're already making plans for him to come back on guitar on a regular basis and make us a "Droptet".
So ... until further notice, Nino (our good friend and original bass man) will be on bass at all of our
shows. Unfortunately for us, Nino can't keep up with our 2004 road schedule due to a new baby he's expecting in May (and a pregnant wife in the mean time!). SO, we are officially on the lookout for a new member. Qualifications include: the ability to ride long distances in a funky bus for little or no money; a love for some strange, unlistenable kind of music (see Rush, Yes, Stockhausen, etc.); ability, nay, desire to play in time signatures not divisible by 4; a deep seated need to help me carry my Rhodes; and interest in a band that, by and large, makes people stop dancing and go "huh? hmm. dude.". Being able to play bass (electric or acoustic) really really well is also a plus.
If you think you know somebody who might be interested, email us at